I have a quest, and was wondering if any of you could help. I like good food, and most of the time I don't mind making it. But when I want to make decent french toast for my children, and I have to make the bread before I can even think about making the french toast, I get a bit aggravated.
I feel like Martha Stewart.
I feel like I should have grown the grains in my backyard, ground them by hand, and....you know the joke. don't get me wrong, I like Martha. It's just not my style.
There are a lot of great products out there for gluten free eaters. But I would just love to find a whole grain english muffin, bagel, or bread that is decent. One I don't have to slave over the stove for hours to make.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for your help, and I hope you have a great day!
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago
I use Favorite Sandwich Bread & French Bread and Pizza Mix by Gluten-Free Pantry. I make the bread in my bread machine and mix the french bread in my food processor. I love these mixes easy and fast. I agree with you making EVERYTHING from scratch is just not my style though I love to cook!
GF whole-grain, what's that? I've yet to find teff or amaranth flour locally and I don't have an interest in 'baking' much. I stick to GF Pantry's Fav. Sandwich mix or better frozen loaves (whole foods). I try to get my fiber fix with daily GF oatmeal and brown rice or quinoa w/ dinner dishes. I hope you find something commercial that is healthier. Generally I try not to eat much 'bread' b/c of the high-calorie, high-fat content of those choices above. Keep us posted, there's got to be something out there!
Have you tried Joan's Great Bakes? My son loves her bagels. They arrive frozen and you bake them. My sister loves her English muffins and she also carries cookies, pizza crusts, etc. that I have not tried yet. I think they are based in New York.
No affiliation. Just a satisfied customer. We've been GF for about a year now and my son has eaten the poppy/onion/egg flavored bagel (it's all-in-one) at least five times a week. I made them for my celiac mother-in-law and she was thrilled.
I wish they had bread. But I don't think they do. I make Pamela's or Gluten-free Pantry in my breadmaker on a weekly basis. What doesn't get eaten is turned into bread brumbs.
Thanks for your great blog!
I found this bread recently and I think it might work for you:
Glutino Fiber Bread. I got it at Whole Foods Market. It tastes like real bread and if you put a little butter on it toasted, you can forget it's gluten-free. It is made from corn and tapioca starch and has flax seed meal, sugar beet fiber, some sugar and egg white and is fortified.
I also like the breads from Gluten Free Creations in Phoenix. I order from their website and they deliver in 3 days, packed in dry ice. Their whole grain bread is good and the Honey Oat bread is delicious and would make great french toast. I discovered this company when the chef at the Marriott in Phoenix served the bread to me.
Good luck!
Karen, herself
Hi Karen,
I have to admit I was very unhappy with the availability of whole grain products when my family went gluten free. So I started to create all my own recipes.
Here is one that I made up for english muffins. hope it fits the bill for you.
Dr. Jean
Joan's Gluten Free Great Bakes makes awesome english muffins and bagels, etc... A-MAZING!
...I just realized someone else recommended Joan's too. Reaffirmation!
Grace ~ Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into those. I am hoping to find something with whole grains in it, not the potato, tapioca starch that is so prevalent in our diets.
Gina ~ Thanks, nice to see someone looking for the same thing! If I do find something worthwhile, I will def. share it!!
Carin ~ I love Joan's GF Great Bakes!! They are yummy and tasty. They just aren't whole grain. I have them as treats; they make great sandwiches.
Karen ~ Ooooh. Fiber bread. I have to check that out. I do not have a Whole Foods near me, but I am heading towards NY City and am planning on taking a cooler to go to Whole foods, I am def. looking for that bread! Thanks for the tip! I will check out the other place too. Great suggestions.
Dr. Jean ~ Thanks for the recipe. I will check that out when I am in the cooking mood. I just have not felt like baking bread lately...must be the nice weather outside!!
Katrina ~ Yes, those bagels are yummy! I think everyone that has tried them has loved them.
Hmm.. whole grains - tricky! I too, have been trying to find bread that has some whole grain in it - I also found the Glutino Fiber Bread. It's OK. Not great, not sure it will make great french toast, but it works. I eat it anyway since it's available.
My FAVORITE bread (if I can 1. find it and 2. afford it) is Sterk's -- it's out of canada. I've had their regular Italian bread, and it's very low-cal -- but they have a Hi-Fiber bread that I have been trying to find. I may give in & just order it because their regular bread is so amazing & most like real bread I have tasted. I am trying to get local stores to order from them actually.
here's a link I just found googling:
I bet it's great.... if I end up ordering, I'll let you know!
I apologize that I do not know where you are located. I just stumbled upon your site. However, I live in Colorado and we have this fantastic, super delicious bakery called OUTSIDE THE BREADBOX. Absolutely yummy bread (and all sorts of baked goods). Some of their breads are whole grain.
Good luck!
Danielle, I wanted to mention Abigail's Bakery, they're local to the area here in Concord. They sell whole grain GF bread, a plain millet loaf and cinnamon raisin loaf. I've picked up both at the Farmers Mkt downtown on Saturday morning in Concord, it's wonderful. I know Blue Moon Cafe in Exeter carries it as well!
You rock! Too bad I missed this morning, I will def. check it out!
Have a great day!
okay granted it's just about the only Gf bread i can find locally around here that's already made and in the freezer section, but girl it's GOOD... it's the Food For Life Brown rice bread. It's wheat/gluten free, sweetened with fruit juice (not very sweet though), also has rice bran so higher fiber content than most i know, and when toasted TO ME it tastes JUST LIKE wheat bread... oh my.... i hate to admit that I buy storebought bread, but i seriously love this stuff and the convenience is awesome... i definitely recommend it!
Thanks for the tips!I'm always afraid to try store brands for fear of over-priced cardboard! And just a note, Check out my new website, with Gluten free, dairy free, sugar free reviews and recipes. Other allergies/intolerance's are noted as well! www.foodintolerancescook.wordpress.com
My favorite GF english muffins and bread are by Kinnikinnick. Everything I've tried from the company has been fantastic.
I've used another mix by Bob's Red Mill that turns out well...GF Hearty Whole Grain Bread mix. They're a great source for all kinds of GF flours/ingredients and you can actually get good customer service, too.
Your site is very helpful and informative. I too have an informative Gluten Free blog and I am very interested in recommending your site on my blog and maybe you could do the same for mine? I also review products and companies, conduct interviews and write Articles on these topics. I’d love you to visit my site and blog. Please write me back and let me know what you think about this idea. The more of us helping get the word out and helping one another, the better. Tina Turbin www.GlutenFreeHelp.info
Check out your local bakeries and see if any of them offer gf bread. A bakery in my town makes gf bread once a month that you can order ahead. I keep it in my freezer for just such things as french toast, and its fresher and tastier than gf loaves from the store.
Locally where I live I have yet to find pre-made GF bread anywhere, and I haven't been brave enough to try ordering it online, mostly because $10 for a loaf of bread just seems so extreme!
French toast though freezes well, it's what I've been doing for my son for years, making it Saturday morning and then freezing enough for a couple of days during the week.
Lately I've been experimenting with coconut flour, mostly because it is much higher in fiber than the others...still don't have a recipe I feel is "perfect" but I'm getting hopeful :)
Mariposa Bakery in Oakland CA.
They ship, but you have to phone for that. About $7- for a small loaf. I love love love their breads, they have a whole grain that's awesome. I also like that they don't use bean, almond, or soy flours. I'm sensitive to all those. They have great Brownies and lemon coconut squares. Chocochip cookies are kind of blah, wouldn't buy those again. But the rest is AMAZING. Trying their pizza crust soon. Best of luck! Jenn
I am new to gluten-free lifestyle and i have shed more tears trying bread than anyone ever should. I recently went to a central market (southern whole food/trader joes comp.) and tried the french meadow gluten-free bread cold out of the refrigerator and it was amazing! i bought 2 loaves on the spot! they have a white bread, whole grain bread and also a raisin bread which would be good in french toast!! happy breading!! :)
I love Udi's bread from Denver. I mail order it and it comes right to my door. The bread tastes just like real bread right out of the package...no toasting necessary. They have a whole grain bread which I am trying this week. The white bread my kids looove! They have a web site too...check them out!
I've been on the same quest. I was wondering how the gluten free bread mixes work in the bread machine?
This morning I made amazing French Toast with slices of Udi's GF bread. I made it with white, because that's what I had around, but their whole grain bread is yummy as well and has a great texture. http://www.udisfood.com/
They're a Denver company but stores have just started carrying them here in the Bay Area and I've talked to other bloggers who get them other places in the US, so it might be worth looking for them, or I believe you can order online from their site. The bread is dairy-free, soy-free, nut-free, too, but it does contain egg whites.
Then, after all that French toast, tonight I made your amazing apple upside-down cake. It was quite a delicious day! (Albeit a bit heavy on the simple carbs...)
(And sorry to disagree with another commenter, but I find the Glutino bread pretty gross.)
I love, love, love Udi's bread (http://www.udisglutenfree.com/). My grocery store carries it in the frozen food section, although it looks like you can also buy it online. I also love using Domata flour- you use it cup for cup like regular flour. It's expensive but so easy. I made biscuits with it this morning- straight out of my Betty Crocker cookbook.
Ubi has a very good whole grain GF bread. I just came across it for the first time from Whole Foods last week. It is the best I've had and holds up better than some of the others that people previously suggested (glutino, kinnicknick, joan's).
Udi's Gluten Free whole grain loaf uses teff, brown rice, and flax- and is amazingly soft and light. I've found it at Whole Foods.
Udi's Gluten Free makes Whole Grain Bread that you can hardly tell is gluten free at all. They also make bagels and an array of other great tasting gluten free products. They are based out of Denver but you can easily find them in most Whole Food stores, or on their website: www.udisglutenfree.com
Hi -- i'm back! i have a new favorite - UDI's whole grain bread. it is AMAZING. I have been making sandwiches with it every day, NO toasting needed, no falling apart, no weird texture - it tastes and feels like bread!
Here's a quick overview about nutritional info:
I hate to see people having to limit their diets for the rest of their lives. My doctor told me that I would just have to stay away from the food I was allergic to. I saw a testimonial on www.holisticallergytreatment.com by a man named Roger who claims that one computerized treatment fixed his celiac sprue problem. Check it out and let me know if it works for you. I did use treatments from this site for food allergies and for seasonal pollen allergies with great success.
I really like the Flying Apron's cookbook for whole grain gluten free, but then you're back at having to make the bread ahead of time. I just like her flour mixtures. They aren't just brown rice.
I also want to look into Joan's bakes. I like Udi's whole grain bread, but I think we're back at brown rice again.
Hello, I just stumbled across your blogs and have found myself in the same position numerous times!
I don't eat bread often, so I don't really feel like I want to bake a loaf. I stick with baking cupcakes :)
I have found that French Meadow bakery makes a decent commercial bread (I like their raisin bread). You can find it at a lot of grocery stores....
I have to toast it in the oven (it isn't great straight up). I made a delicious french toast with this bread the other day- and just made sure to soak it in the egg mixture longer than I would a regular gluten filled bread.
Hope that helps! Stop by my site if you want some non-bread gluten free recipes. :)
If you can find it, try Udi's brand for bread and bagels. It's more of a splurge because there's a fair amount of sugar (in the bagels) but it's delicious. And I HATE gluten free bread. Until I discovered Udi's, I refused to buy GF bread. Whole Foods carries it. Check it out! P.S. your blog is great.
I Love Udi's whole grain bread..... it tastes exactly like normal bread, and it works wonderful for french toast, stands up great to it and browns so nicely. I love that I do not have to toast this bread or heat it up for it to taste yummy, it makes great sandwiches right out of the bag, and great thing is, it doesn't need to be kept frozen or refrigerated, you can keep it right on your counter.
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